Picture Hanging

section of an oil painting

Nicholas Clapham enjoys problem solving and understands that his clients’ artworks need to look their best. He has a wealth of experience ranging from the demands of hanging Old Masters through to a more innovative approach when dealing with contemporary works of art.

We are able to meet most challenges because whilst we are small,  we love problem solving and understand that our client's work needs to look its best. 

We have a wealth of experience handling old masters through to contemporary works that are maybe more unorthodox in their hanging requirements. 


painting installed in an art gallery

Carriage is offered as a stand alone service - locally, nationally or internationally. Should you need recommendations for restoration, framing or generally improving the condition of an artwork for investment purposes, we can put you in touch with reliable experts in these fields.


Picture light being installed over a piece of fine art

We can advise and install lighting for existing and newly installed artworks using suppliers whose lights are certified as meeting the stringent CIBSE (museum lighting guide) with zero heat and UV output onto the canvas. We can offer a broad range of ‘off the peg’ styles, or suggest bespoke options. Additionally, we can help wire and install contemporary light box works if required.